Saturday, July 21, 2007

You stiffed necked people

How many times did the LORD admonish His chosen people using those words in the title? How many times do we read those stories and shake our heads as we cluck our tongues at the stupid Israelites for never learning their lesson? After all, did they not see the glory of the LORD hidden in flames and clouds leading the way when they were in the desert? And did they not see the great power of the LORD as he parted the Red Sea? And if that weren't enough, when they were hungry, did not the LORD give them manna from heaven to provide them sustenance and spring forth water from the rocks to quench their thirst when they were thirsty.

And yet they still complained.

*Tsk tsk*

And yet...

How many times does the LORD admonish us using those very same words as we read those very stame stories about the Israelites stubborn disobedience? After all, have we not seen the glory of the LORD as we see and hear about stories of lives transformed for Christ, as we see our friends that were formerly headed down the path of destruction now turning to the LORD. Has not the LORD provided us with strength at dire times of need, or comforted us with encouragements from His Word or through the providence of fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ?

And yet we still complain.

*Tsk tsk*


I was just reading Deuteronomy 1 - 2, and the account in that story is very interesting... for when the spies returned with their negative report, the Israelites of that fighting generation were denied entrance into the promised land... all except Caleb son of Jephunnah, and Joshua son of Nun. And yet when the Israelites heard that, they were so sorry they gave in and agreed to obey God's original command.

But God said no. He had already commanded otherwise, that they march away from the banks of the Jordan. If they attacked, the LORD would not be with them and they would be defeated by the Amorites living in the land.

But the stiff necked people thought they could do it on their own. They didn't need God. Who needs him anyway?

According to the account in Deuteronomy, clearly the Israelites did. They were... to put it in gamers terms... pwned like nubsauce. Driven out of the country, back down to the camp with their tails between their legs. The biblical account does not account for the numbers of casualites, merely that the Amorites "chased [them] like a swarm of bees and beat [them] down from Seir all the way to Hormah." (Deut. 1:44b)

How many times do we think that we have the power to defeat the Amorites of our lives and enter the promised land on our own power? "We can do this. That's not that hard," we say. On our own power, we gear up and march up that mountain... only to be chased back down the mountain and beaten down by the Amorites in our lives.

Without the power of the LORD, we are nothing and can do nothing. For truly we are the branches that must remain connected to the vine... apart from which we can do nothing.

And truly... may we remember this... remember that our strength always comes from the LORD, that anything we do is only done because we were empowered by the LORD, and that any success we have, we might return the glory to the LORD. Do not allow our heads to swell up that we ever claim the credit for ourselves.

Praise be to the LORD, for He is great and mighty indeed. May His name be lifted up forever and ever. AMEN


I have children. Some of them are really good and I love having them around... while others do nothing but torment and annoy me. Sometimes I can call them my friends, but many times I must but call them my worst enemies. They like to run around and whisper deep secrets into the ears of those around me, revealing things that I wished they wouldn't.

These children of mine have a terrible tendency to control my life. Even though I try to say no, they eventually whine and annoy me until they've manipulated me into doing things that I normally would never even dream of doing. In certain states, I find that I cannot resist what they are telling me to do.

And yet, if they can be controlled, and disciplined, they will be of extreme service to me; giving me strength where I would be lacking; pushing me onwards when I feel like giving up; and reminding me of the great hope that I have in Jesus Christ. But they don't. Like untrained dogs, they dirty up my house, and drive me to the brink of despair.

And yet one can't just throw them out, especially because of the potential that they have to make you the better person that you should be... but more often than not, driving you to be the worst person that you could ever dream of being. These dastardly children just won't leave me alone. What am I to do?

Someitmes, I even despair that God can help me, for I pray over and over again that I might be able to regain control over these unruly children, but the end doesn't seem to be in sight. What am I to do?

My faith trembles... like fingers grasping the edge of a cliff... about to give way... and yet I must not else I plummet to the bottom of the crevice and be dashed on the rocks below.

But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and be faint.
Isaiah 40:31

Do you not know, have you not heard, the Lord is the everlasting God.
He will take care of the troubles of all his children.
And remember, you act like your own children oftentimes... grieving the Father.
For you are the only one in control of your decisions. You are the one that decides how to react in the fact of uncontrollable circumstances. The LORD gives you strength to tell those children to behave, and they must behave.

If you can LORD......

I believe..... help my unbelief

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

God is truly great!

Over the past 4 days, I've been hearing stories about the great works that God is doing in nations within the 10/40 window (can't tell you where because they didn't even tell me :P), all over South America, in various countries in East Asia, and just hearing the stories of transformed lives and lives that are committed to sharing the Gospel and being multiplying disciples has just been an absolute blast. It's so inspiring and encouraging to hear these stories of people from countries where they are persecuted by friends and family for being Christian and yet continue to share the Gospel and hold on to their faith. It makes me joyful and glad that I live in Canada where, though they still look at us with annoyance and are much less open to it, I am free to share the Gospel without anyone threatening to throw me in jail. Though the administration does throw up a lot of barriers, they are nothing compared to this.

The speakers have also been excellent! Y'all can listen to the main session messages too at, where they are posting streaming broadcasts of all the main sessions. These speakers are just so passionate about the Gospel and so passionate about seeing the Gospel spread and shared all over the world. You get excited just watching them speak of their own experiences. And I think I really needed this, this preparation as I go into Tatham Hall next year, desiring to build relationships with my housemates (floormates.... whatever you'd like to call them) and to share the Gospel with them. But I pray that this summer, God would prepare my heart to just feel the love that he has for each and every single one of them; to feel compassion for their struggles; to feel sympathy for their worries; and to want to support them and be there to help them. And through all that, I pray that my actions and my words would just be a reflection of the glory of God, and that opportunities would arise for me to share the Gospel with them in meaningful ways, in ways that would allow them to properly engage with what is being said and to take it to heart, instead of just hearing it as preaching or religious mumbo jumbo. I also pray that their hearts would be prepared over this summer, that Christians that are not afraid to share their faith would be placed in their life this summer, so that when school starts in September, that it would seem astounding to them that so many real God fearing Christians will have been brought into their life in such a short period of time.

I want to think supernatural thoughts, pray supernatural prayers, plan supernatural plans, draw on supernatural resources, and expect supernatural results. At this time, I want to challenge each one of you to also do these things in your own life, that you may be filled with the Holy SPirit and be blessed with the great and mighty power of God - that you might see his works fulfilled through you and that you might be blessed.

And to GOd be the glory, and honour forever and ever... AMEN.