Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The simple things of life

Having a craving for something sweet, I pulled open my refrigerator and peeked in. There was nothing but food and milk... but on closer inspection there was some chocolate milk. So I poured some out, mixed it with regular milk to give me more milk to consume and started drinking it down. As I was doing that, I looked out the window and noticed that it was snowing.

My response? "It's snowing."

In written word, it seems unassuming. But the sheer joy that I heard in my voice and felt in my heart compelled me to do nothing more than to move as quick as I could to the window and stare out in joy of the fact that the snow was falling.

There is no other way of describing what I felt like other than to say that I felt that childlike wonder of experiencing something for the first time... or the more adult experience of not having seen something in a long time and then reexperiencing it again.

You may of course think me odd. You may ask, "But JP (yes people call me that... you may too) you've seen snow before. In fact it was there not just a few weeks ago being all slushy and annoying." I am fully cognizant of this fact. I have no idea what it was that made me feel so utterly joyful in my heart. It made me want more of it.

I just had to write this down and memorialize it in the 0s and 1s of digital data. And I was going to stop here, but as i was writing this another thought came to my head (as they are apt to do when I'm writing a blog post).

I desire to come to God and remember what that felt like... and for that to spark in me the same joy sparked in my heart from such a simple thing as seeing snow fall. Unfortunately, my brain refuses to allow me to be more eloquent then that.

Good day friends on the interweb. I hope that you also experience that pure joy of a simple thing some time very soon.