Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Energy: How it seems to get used and restored

Forgive me if this post seems to ramble. I feel like a good old fashioned rant today.

The past week and a half I've been part of the staff running an English Academy for Korean children from grade 1 to grade 6 in the Gachang country near Daegu, GyungBook, South Korea. It's been a wild experience and there a few things that I've been able to discover. One of the first things that I've decided is that I no longer want to become a teacher. I was considering becoming a Sunday school teacher for YoungNak's... er... what are they called? Senior children? Anyways, grade 4 - 6. But that is the precise age that I'm teaching right now and it's SO very energy draining. Besides which the fact that I'm planning on stepping up to my proper level of involvement with Campus for Christ, this is not going to really be a great idea. Every day, I come home and I'm basically so tired that I find it difficult to move or even think. Today was OK, because the amount of work that I had to put in was a lot less - and even though the Sunday school commitment probably would require a lot less time, it's still something I've decided I won't take on for this year. Or teaching in general for that matter. Some say I'm good at it. Maybe I am. But it's far too energy draining for me to want to do it too much. I've also been reflecting on that interesting age of 11-12 year olds and think back to what I did and the way I acted when I was that young... and I realized that I was no different from these guys - just a little more submissive to teacher and parental authority. Other than that, my friends and I formed a group called the "New Republic" (Yes yes.. I was a geek. If you didn't know that you're WAY behind the times.) We then thus labelled all the other cliques around us with the appropriate Star Wars group, as they matched up with the charecteristics of such groups - and then targetted them. Now that I think about it, we were right down dastards... getting people in trouble because we knew they would if we did certain things. Sneaky....

And even though 11-12 year olds drain me of my energy, being around my peers and those older than me give me energy - I am a pretty standard extrovert in that i recharge by being with people. It's interesting noticing the difference between extroverts and introverts. Why is it that some people gain energy by being WITH people while others are drained by that very action? I suppose for the same reason that I get drained being around 12 year olds while others revel in it. It's one of those strange things that I'd like to look into. Maybe even make it a research project for myself. Dunno. We'll have to see about that.

Suddenly I find myself without anything to say.

Thus it seems it is time to stop talking.

Good night (morning to those of you on the otherside of the world.) Til we meet again.