Wednesday, September 23, 2009

TV and philosophy

"Why do you focus on your failures?"

"Because success only lasts until someone screws everything up. Failure is forever."


If y'all watched the premier of House - you should recognize that line. If you didn't... well I didn't really ruin anything. Go watch the episode.

I don't know how much I agree with that conversation. But there is one thing that made me think when I heard that - and it's that I identify with that sentiment completely. I can't stand failure. Success feels good - but it feels so much worse when you fail. When you get the letters saying you didn't get that interview (well... ok maybe those don't make me feel so bad, but for some people they do.) The dreaded feeling you get when you get your transcript and it tells you that you were way worse than everyone else in the class. The pit in your stomach when someone tells you that you lost.


And when you fail, sometimes there's nothing you can do about it. Successes can almost always be screwed up - failures on the other hand can hang over your head for a long long time in a much worse way than successes give you a benefit.

And this depresses me.

What do I intend to do about it? For now I feel like feeling sorry for myself. Shouldn't last too long, but you know writing about it is always nice.


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