Monday, April 28, 2008

Awake early and looking for something to do

Up early with nothing to do. The labour agency got all its jobs killed by the rain and now I'm waiting for business hours so that I can call companies to ask them if they're still hiring from postings they put up.............. 2 weeks ago >_<

In the meantime... I wanted to do something. Writing seemed as viable an option as anything.

But I didn't want this to become one of those "I'm feeling all emo and down and terrible and want the whole world to know about it" sort of posts. I realized that those kind of things are probably best left to the personal journal in the desk that no one will ever see except you.

But when you take that out, what are you left with. Ranting about useless things like how the ATU Local 113 is stupid? Musing about how no one comments on my blog or notes? Isn't there anything more significant to write about.... and why can't I think of them?

In the end, I suppose we're all just really petty, thinking only of ourselves and our own problems - and momentarily stopping to think about the problems of others when their problems grow to a size where it can't help but be in your face and noticed by everyone around. Then we do our best to pretend that the monster that is their problem doesn't exist and keep moving on with our lives.

When we see two people fighting on the streets, do we just walk by or do we try to do something?
When we see a freezing cold person huddled up against the corner of a building seeking shelter from the biting wind of winter, do we just pretend that it's not there and move on?
When we hear the stories of abuse that go on in homes hidden from the public eye, do we get enraged in word and remain complacent in action?

Who will rise up against apathy and push against the misery that humans create for themselves to make someone else's life just that much happier for that one infinitesimally tiny moment in time? Will we take up the challenge to shine like stars in this dark pit that we call Earth - reflecting the glory of God and his radiant love to those that most need to see, feel, and understand it? For how will the world learn to love if no one shows them love first - after all isn't that how we learned to love in that God showed his love to us - whether directly through a divine experience or indirectly through the love that others shower upon us?

Thankful for our blessings let us share it with those less fortunate.


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