Saturday, April 12, 2008

Blogs and notes

These are funny things. Some people post it all up, let it all hang out, and let people see certain feeling and inner emotions.. I'm assuming it makes them feel better - a sort of cathartic release of pent up emotion.

Other's are more mysterious. They don't want people to really know what's going on in their minds or for people to really see what's going on - and yet still want to vent their emotions publicly somehow. Often this manifests itself in mysteriously worded posts that mean nothing except to the writer and the select few who know the writer very well in order to identify the source of the comments and the object to which they refer.

Other's blather on like myself. Why do they do it? Because they're pretentious and think that what they have to say is important. Why do I do it? Because I just like writing. Sometimes it's crap. Sometimes it's good. Sometimes its deep, profound and thought provoking. Other times it's just... verbal diarahea.

The above is a case of the latter mixed in with a bit of the cathartic release mentioned before. Spilling over from my innate habit to talk too much, often times I just type whatever comes to my mind in an attempt to organize my thoughts.

Among those various things going on... an upcoming exam on Thursday upon which my undergraduate graduation depends doesn't help my stress levels at all. Wouldn't be too bad if my degree only hung on me passing the exam. I could do that I think. It depends on me getting a B+ on an exam that will require me to work through mathematical proofs and then apply those proofs into economic application to determine contract curves for exchange equilibriums and optimal supply functions for a two-firm model of incomplete information (or the Cournot model.)

Knowing none of those above terms will help me to pass the exam.

This is scary.

This is where I study as hard as I can and let God take care of the rest.

This is where I really need those unforeseen circumstances to turn out in my favour.

Very much so.

And yes the above post was all about me. Maybe the next one will be about you.

But then would you really like that?


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