Friday, September 28, 2007

All or nothing

The all-or-nothing syndrome. The state of being whereby when one begins to slip into something one mustn't, instead of struggling with all their might to get back off the slide they are on, they give up in resignation and let them fall down to the deepest depths of despair where one then attempts to cover up feelings of guilt with illicit pleasures and unproductive destructive activities.

Yet it's not all bad. Those with all-or-nothing syndrome also get off the ground and soar when they get excited about something, pushing their creative capacities to their limits and beyond, motivating others towards great deeds and heroic pursuits, making impacts beyond anyone's imagine. But the fall back down to the ground comes all to sudden; comes all to quickly. And the ground is terribly hard.

Then one feels like going back to sleep and hoping that when you next wake up, it's the day before and you can try again. Of course after thinking about that for a while, you realize that humans are never allowed such an opportunity. What would be the rationale course of action? Move on. Get up and make the best of what's left. Instead? We lie in bed deciding to feel sorry for ourselves.

And as much as humans in general have to feel sorry for themselves, it's not a necessary thing. Nay it's a seminal useless waste of time. Turn our eyes to Jesus Christ, the eternal hope for the world. Focus our eyes on what must be done, on who must be the centre of our lives - and forget about the wasted days, weeks, months, and years. They are past, gone and behind us. They will never return and thus it must be as if they never existed except as a bad dream. Mistakes come, mistakes go. Opportunities come, opportunities go. Learn and move on as they come, seize them and make the best you can of them as they pass by.

Just don't let them pass you by.

Don't EVER let them pass you by.


Blogger Jess Versteeg said...

hey jon. i sort of just clicked on your link to your blog and felt like i should encourage you! Press on through midterms and stay steadfast. Read this. I hope all is going well with you in rez. Remember the reason you're there. Run the race to win. God honours our faithful service. Keep pressing on, it's going to take a lot of energy. Take a day of rest a week so that you have the ability to last through the year; rely on the Holy Spirit. Don't let something distract you this semester -- you know much you have regretted that in the past. Don't be lukewarm. Remember faith, hope and love, and that love is the greatest. hmm.... i think that's it. happy midterm season! may the unforeseen circumstances work out to be in your favour haha!

7:09 p.m.  

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