Thursday, May 31, 2007

If a lock loses its ability to lock, what can make it lock again?

The title is a play on Matthew 6:13 - if a salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again?

As some of you may know, I've made a commitment for the next year to drop the subject of dating and girls out of my mind. Instead I would take all that time I was wasting and instead delve into the Word, specifically Jesus's words (Sermon on the Mount, Upper Room Discourse, parables, etc). I see it like me taking the whole issue, locking it up in a lockbox in the back of my mind, to be left alone for a year - after which opening that lockbox seeing if the idea still remains alive or is dead.

But what good is a lockbox if it refuses to stay locked? And yet is it really rational to say that because it keeps on popping open that I should take it as a sign to just give in? Am I falling into the "all or nothing" trap?

In the end, the issue is almost always wrestled back into the lockbox and slammed shut, at least until the next poke snaps the lock open again. And I will continue to wrestle the issue back into that lockbox with the help of the power of God (without which I could do nothing). No longer will I give into temptations simply because I think that I will inevitably fall into them at some point and time anyway - therefore might as well do it now. I will not fall into that line of thinking... but will stand firm to this conviction.

There also remains 12 days until I write my LSAT.

LORD help me... for I am weak.

On a lighter note: The Ducks currently lead the Senators 2 - 0. Poetic justice will be.... sweep sweep sweep sweep!

How I hate the Senators >_>


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