Monday, April 30, 2007

Practicing some descrpitive writing... or am I >_>

It writhed like a parasite inside his stomach; burned like an unquenchable fire that had been set on the inside of his body threatening to consume his entire being. Nothing would put this unrest within him to ease save one thing - yet that one thing was not an option.

So he had to live life just like normal. He tried to lose himself in video games, in books, in random surfing around of the Internet but nothing would satisfy the black hole that emotion had collapsed into deep in his core. Morning and night, with and without people, here or there, it would not leave him alone - prodding him to take the action that was not an option.

Well, by virtue of being an action, it might have been an option. Thus lay the core of the problem - the chance existed of making a complete fool of himself once again. Twice he had made the mistake before, he was bound and determined not to make it thrice. How does that saying go? Something about only fools falling for the same trick three times? Or was it two.

Either way, he was a fool. Theoretically, this was him falling for the same trick three times already and how he knew it. Oh if only you knew how he knew it.


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