Wednesday, April 18, 2007

A good day

Today was a good day.

Why you may ask. Was it because I did something super-exciting (like jump out of an airplane)? Was it because I was able to settle some deep disturbing issue about myself? Was it because someone decided that they like me in return?

No. Today was a good day because it was so normal.

Today, I sat in a room in the corner of Vanier College from 10:00 til now (I will be leaving at 6:00) pretty much all day doing nothing but doing readings for an assignment due tomorrow, taking notes on said readings, and reorganizing bookshelves.

Now you might be thinking to yourself, "This kid's whacko. How's that a good day. That sounds terribly boring."

But in fact it was a nice break from the rushing around to class, listening to lecturer's talk for 2 and a half hours (no matter how interesting the subject matter is, it gets really tiring sometimes) and realizing that I didn't have time to work on my assignment because I was in class all day so having to go home and work on work at home.

Instead, I had 8 hours today to work on my readings and assignments with little interruption. 8 hours straight sitting in front of a computer reading and typing. It was great. In fact, it means that I can go home today, and probably have to do little else than whip up a rough draft of my paper and can go to bed at a decent time, get up nice and bright and early tomorrow, and do a devotion in the morning (something I haven't done in ages) go off to the library and do the same thing.

This made me realize how much I long to start working... or how much I wish that school were more like a 9-5 (I could even stand 9-7). I could just sit and work at whatever it is that I'm working at without having to worry about rushing off to here, travelling to there (I hate commuting... as much as I love the TTC), and get things done... and even have time to break a bit inbetween and surf around on blogs and facebook.

But what REALLY made today a good day was that suddenly, I realized I love what I do here. I love reading, taking notes, critically assessing ideas, and writing essays to demonstrate that I understand the concepts as well as throwing in some ideas of my own that are supported by the readings. I could do this all day, and I wouldn't feel the slightest bit bored.

I have regained my first love of school... and makes me revile at the thought of what I did on Monday (sitting in the Cyber cafe from 10:30 AM to about 1:30 AM). Three prime daytime working hours.... I would have been fired if I did that at a job... and though I can't fire myself from school... the thought that I even did that just makes me feel dirty inside. Why would I not do this? I love it! What possesses me to go waste time playing a game online during the prime hours of the day like a deadbeat. That is what made Monday such a bad day. But that's the topic of another blog post.

All of this brings me to the point that I really, REALLY, can't wait to be done my undergrad... and remotivates me to practice for my LSAT... because my marks this year will not be as good as they have been in years past. If I can ace the LSAT and score in the top 95 percentile, then I can be a definitive candidate for a position at a law school in Toronto (Osgoode or U of T)... I can continue ministry with Campus for Christ, and I can be studying law (reading case law... mmmmmmmm) full time. If I planned my time right, it wouldn't even FEEL like work. I'm sure there will be drudgeries that I'll have to deal with, they always exist... but it's something to look forward to it.

At any rate, I take pleasure in the fact that I have rediscovered my love of academics. I was beginning to hate school, and (I realize now) hating myself because I was starting to hate school like some stupid 날라리.... (er I don't know how to translate that word... deadbeat maybe?...... haha, just remembered that I don't know any Korean people that read this blog :P)

These things make today a good day.

Yet I suddenly realized that I should not be content with days like this, though I should praise the LORD when they do come along. If I become content with days like this, will I not become complacent in actively living out the life that Christ desires us to live? Though I can be a witness to those that are over me by being a diligent and hard worker, if I simply live for this kind of a thing, how can I make a difference in the lives of those around me. I must not be content with a day like this.

But it was still a good day.


Blogger I love yellow said...

I am glad you have refound that love for school. I don't think that will ever happen with me, but then again, I never liked school. One of the reasons I took nursing was that I could be done in 3 years and work. And look at me now, one more year and I will be done my bachelors! And I am so glad I decided to go back to school...I mean I would have never gotten involved in C4C, never done project, never met Brad...very weird things to think about now!

9:09 p.m.  

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