Monday, May 05, 2008

Fo da first time

I am blogging on my macbook.

This is a nifty little machine.  A little frustrating at times because there are some fundamental functionality differences between a PC and a Mac, but I really like the interface and the layout.  It's quite intuitive... despite me not knowing how to do some of the more complicated things... and if I can't find anything... well that's what Spotlight is for.

Does your PC have Spotlight?  No I didn't think so... you have to download your precious Google search toolbar :P

Sorry... just reacting to negative reactions to the news that I have acquired a Macbook :P

But this blog is not about Macbooks.  Well... yes you can argue that since I have spoken about my macbook within the beginning of this post it is sort of about Macbooks.  THAT is not the point.  The point is.... that business never changes!

Sorry... Michael Scott moment there.  I love that man.  No matter how ignorant and therefore insensitive that makes him to issues that should not be approached with 10-feet poles.  In the end, there's always something to like about him :P

As you can see, I really don't have anything significant to say here.. I'm just sort of.... well spouting things :P

So I'm going to stop now.

My arm has started peeling.  Apparently I should have reapplied my SPF 60 sunblock.



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