Saturday, November 07, 2009

Random musings

I often wonder at the phenomena of tweets these days. It's like the lazy person's blogging. Instead of taking the time to formulate a well-written, articulate blog post, people decide that they need to report their lives in 150 characters or less.

One begins to wonder whether anyone actually cares about the tweets and lives of others. The irony of this, of course, is that this blog also goes out to the vast wilderness that is cyberspace, to be consumed by all who care to read it - and then promptly forgotten as the wild musings of that crazy guy... who I don't even like anyway.

Short, clipped statements. I wonder what it is that makes the sentences get longer the more years of education that one has. Then the tweet arrives. Is it a revolution against those years of educational training that suggest to you that the more words you can fit into a sentence, the more academically chic you are? Does the pendulum swing and give us indication that we are moving towards a generation of peoples that express themselves in less than 150 characters?

I've been watching a lot of Mad Men recently. You know, the TV show? It intrigues me how brilliantly written some of the material in that show is. Layer upon layer to be peeled back only for you to realize that the layer has somehow gotten back on again to be unwrapped once more. When you peel the layer back again, you see it's strange and obscure connection with the previous layer... which you find once again wrapped on the package of the story. Intricate. Complicated.

Just the way I like it.

It was of course recommended to me by a friend who decided that Japan was a much cooler place to be than Canada. He may be right - both literally and figuratively. I can't speak for the literally part, I'll have to ask him, but I'll go with the figuratively. I mean, what is cooler than obscure Japanese anime where plot twists twist upon themselves to reveal yet another twist of the plot.

Final question: Does the above seem like one trying too hard? It really shouldn't, this post was whipped up in a frenzy of typing and took all of... 4 minutes. Perhaps more. Probably more.

As a side note, if you are confused - consider yourself not alone. I'm confused too. If you get it - enlighten me.

Because the above wasn't supposed to make sense.

Maybe you're the crazy one.


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