Monday, October 02, 2006

A Call for accountability

I realized that there is one particularly bad habit that i have.

This bad habit is the constant act of promising to myself that I'm going to do something and then not following through with it. It was one of the few things that I kicked myself about while I was at Summit.

Speaking of which, Summit was quite the awesome. There were a few moments when I felt like I'd been struck with lightning. The first was when I went to the session on how to share the Satisfied booklet. I've had the booklet shared with me a lot, but I don't believe I've ever taken the time to share the booklet with someone else. But as we were going through the session (btw Sean Cullen is the man) I came across the part of the booklet where it quotes the verse in Galations about how when you have the Spirit, you desire the things of the Spirit. It then reminded me of all those verses in Romans that constantly remind about the fact that the sinful nature desires things of the world (which do not please God) while the Spirit desires those things of the Spirit(which, conversely, do please God.) It's not a new revelation by a long shot, but it gave a new spin to the Spirit filled life of which I had never considered before.

The other lightning strike (well, more of a decision if you will) was that I decided to trust God in terms of finances (I was really worrying about that, this having been the first year that I actually had to use OSAP), and go on a summer project. And who knows, maybe the Lord will be merciful and will allow me to go on an international project as an intern. That would be quite the awesome. It might also help me to make a decision about the other decision that I'm trying to make about after I graduate. Ask me about it sometime, but it's not something I'm quite ready to broadcast over the Internet.

I'm STOKED about what is going to be happening at York this year, and I'm grateful that God has seen fit to allow me to be a part of that. All glory to the LORD.

But that was a REALLY long aside about what I wanted to post. I even posted this, and then forgot about the main point of the post until after I looked at the title.

Something that I decided to do was that I would be much more faithful about sharing on campus. Even though I hold that it probably isn't one of the most effective ways of seeing people come to Christ in this current society, there are still people that respond to it and there are still seeds that are sown when we do this. And it is definately faith stretching for me. So the plan is this. While I'm on the bus, I'm going to find someone to sit down next to, instead of sitting on one of the individual seats and just start talking to them, but not necessarily about spiritual things. The reason for this is to get over the butterflies that still jump into my stomach when I think about going up to talk to random people, and if those conversations do turn to spiritual things, well all the better. If those of you that check this blog out could keep me to that and ask me how I'm doing in terms of this decision, I'd appreciate it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

random people are the worst. so unpredictable. but i do wish you all the best and think its pretty cool that you are feeling this particular call to witness. if i don't remember to ask you about it next time i see you then bring it up man. i would certainly love to hear all about it. dude, you make me smile

11:56 p.m.  

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