Monday, July 24, 2006

Chick flicks

You know I was talking with someone the other week and that conversation suddenly occurred to me because I just recently saw The Devil Wears Prada.

On The Devil Wears Prada, I'd have to give it at least one thumb up. Meryl Streep is the awesome, Anne Hathaway does her typical "I have no fashion sense" girl to "holy smoking hot" girl. But it was more than just a movie about fashion and accessories and shoes and makeup... because otherwise I would have not understood a thing that was going on. The movie was an amazing commentary about the corporate world and women in the corporate world. One of those, what is your main priority in life movies. It wasn't bad at all.

But on chick flicks, the question just popped up in my head as to what exactly defines something as a chick flick. I decided to wikipedia it and it came up with a stub (meaning that nobody has decided to post anything substantial just yet.)

I realized that the reason that guys are derided when they profess to like chick flicks (or why they pretend to hate them) is because (and the following statement is one of those "Duh captain obvious" statements) they are related to things that are traditionally and sociologically related to women. But I'd like to challenge that idea. I mean if you take the Devil Wears Prada for instance, it's a movie about a girl that is looking for a job, gets one and is climbing the corporate ladder when she realizes "What for?" So the people that label the Devil Wears Prada a chick flick are they now saying that men don't go through the same questions or do they label it thus because on the surface it's about "fashion, clothes, and accessories"? Or are movies like... oh say A Walk to Remember chick flicks because it is about boy meets girl? Well, why is it that the fact that it's ok for a girl to like "boy meets girl" but then when the guy people wonder "Is he gay?" Doesn't that seem a bit moronic to you? Why would a gay person like boy meets girl? (but that's an aside)

-I'm going to have to stop and say that I'm not sure how to conclude this anymore. This happens to me quite often, thus why I keep writing, hoping that this syndrome will eventually disappear. In the meantime, I'll let you chew on what I've written so far.


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