Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Time Management

Recently this summer, I read The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. Great book. I recommened it to anyone.

Now here's the issue: Stephen Covey makes all these great suggestions about planning your time, being proactive, listening, etc.... but before any of this can be useful one has to actually sit down and decide to do it. (or stand up, or walk, or run, you get the point)

Why is it, that it is so difficult to find the time to plan your time? Would you disagree that the only way that you can properly manage your time is if you plan it out in advance, at least a week at a time? Yet, if you don't take the time to plan your time, all the time slips through your fingers like the proverbial handful of sand. Damn sand.... maybe we should just melt it into glass? Or would that be too hazardous (clumsiness = dropping the glass = pain when the glass shards get stuck in various body parts) NOTE: the previous few sentences were random digressions. You will find that I do things like that a lot.

The conclusion to this rather impromptu and first blog ever: I'm tired and tired of trying to find time to plan my time. Sundays? Sounds good.


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